Monday, June 18, 2007

So sleepy. . .

(Deepak and Corinne. Don't let the small cake fool you--about 400 people came to the wedding. There was a dessert bar on the side.)

As far as all of the things that I said I would do in my free time, I think that the only one I've actually accomplished is the iced-coffee drinking, which has been more like gulping, and has happened only on the seven minute drive to work. And we did go to Sumanth's brother's wedding in Michigan this weekend. Our hotel room had a TV in the bathroom and I got into the fun habit of watching the Food Network while brushing my teeth; my teeth got really, really clean. Sumanth gave a very good toast at the wedding, so good that people we didn't know came up to us in the airport the next day to tell him how much they liked it. The only weird part was that the toast was pretty serious and afterwards everyone told him that he should go into stand-up comedy.

I've never been one to fall asleep easily, but lately I've been falling asleep so, so easily. Today when I came home from work I took a nap with my flip-flops still on. I've also never been one to make lunch for 75 people every day, so maybe that is the connection. The summer program is going well while building my troubleshooting skills exponentially. There have been so many moments when I feel like something is sticking on my leg and I look down to find a tiny little art student, the size of a monkey, wrapped all around my calf, saying something like, 'Miss. Emily, we are out of paper towels--can I dry my hands on you?' I truly love my job.


Sumanth said...

Umm, I probably should have told you that I'd planned to sanitize that bathroom TV remote when we first got there, and then amidst all the wedding activities, it kind of slipped my mind. I hope you didn't change channels with the same hand you brush teeth with...

ps. That's my second comment about bathroom hand-washing technique or hygiene in only a few weeks' time. Why do you think I care so much? Was I traumatized as a child?

Rahim said...

Hmm, no I guess the kids at TIP weren't nearly as cute as all that were they? But there is something to be said for the other variety, the kind that follow you around to the rousing sound of nalgene-bottle-breaking-attempts. Those ones make for good stories. And never, never let you fall asleep in your flip-flops.

Actually, just I was writing that I realized I didn't believe it. To hell with stories, get sleep. Happy that you're loving DREAMS.